
A New Way


“Although I am free from all and not anyone’s slave, I have made myself a slave to everyone, in order to win more people.” -- 1 Corinthians 9:19


In the 1964 Tokyo Olympic Games, sprinter Bob Hayes tied the Olympic record on his way to winning the gold medal in the 100-meter dash. Just a few months later, Hayes was dashing past defensive backs as a wide receiver for the Dallas Cowboys.

It was a radical idea at the time: taking a world-class sprinter and turning him into a football player. Hayes’ success altered defensive strategy and changed how football was played.

Coaches design drills to improve players’ technique and help them gain strength and increase their speed. These improvements are typically made in small increments, and hours of work can go into making the smallest advance. But sometimes, an innovation occurs that radically redefines the way a sport is played, causing such a drastic change that teams and players are forced to adapt. Those who refuse to adjust are defeated.

Christians must also acknowledge the power of innovation. While God is unchanging, the people who need Him are forever changing. As Christians, we must recognize this and alter the way we communicate God’s message of love and forgiveness to others. We must be creative in how we reach those who don’t know about Jesus.

If we fail to be innovative in our presentation of God’s message, the world will assume that the message is no longer relevant to their lives. So, let’s explore new ways of spreading God’s message of love and forgiveness.

  • Have you been faced with having to learn a new position on your team? How did you react?
  • What adjustments is God asking you to make in your life plan?

“God, thank You that You never change. Lead me into new areas of growth for Your sake! Amen.”