
Into the Storm


 “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you...” – Isaiah 43:2


Storms in Colorado can be unpredictable given the terrain of the mountain range; and, cows and buffalo roam in close proximity to one another. While similar in many ways, how they react to storms is different.

The cows see the storm coming and scatter. They run away in fear believing they can avoid the storm, but in the end, it always overtakes them. All their running really does is keep them in the storm longer, extending their pain and discomfort. Their fear and attempt to avoid the storm separates them as they all run in different directions.

The buffaloes see the storm and run into it. They come together as a herd and run straight into the storm. By moving toward the storm, they actually shorten the time spent in it and reduce the negative impact. By staying together, they defeat the fear and remain encouraged that they can and will overcome it together.

Life is full of storms. Sometimes we’ll anticipate them and other times we’ll be surprised by them. As athletes and coaches, the competitive environment is the storm.

Let me encourage you to run Into the Storm. Each of us has a choice. Will we confidently face the storm with faith in the God of the universe? Or will we run away in fear? Will we come together in unity as a team and stay together or will we scatter? Will we weather the storm and emerge on the other side better? Or will we be beaten up, worn out and bitter?

As you run into the storm, stay tight to Jesus, knowing that He will never leave or forsake you. Go with your teammates and players as one, knowing that we’re better together. And ignore the noise, knowing that focusing on Jesus gives you power.

Don’t be afraid of the storms of life. Use the storm to become better. Run Into the Storm together!

  • What storm are you running from right now?
  • What’s one thing that you can do to change direction, rely on God and others, and weather the storm?

Hebrews 12:1-2; Ephesians 6


“Lord, help me run into the storms of life, knowing that You are with me wherever I go and You will never let the storms overtake me. Help me rely on You and the strength of my teammates to weather every storm.”

Bible Reference: 
Isaiah 43:2
Hebrews 12:1-2
Ephesians 6