
Weather Delay


“The Lord is the one who will go before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or abandon you. Do not be afraid or discouraged.” – Deuteronomy 31:8


Baseball, soccer, tennis, track and all other outdoor sports are wildly different, but they all share one thing: weather. Weather delays are impossible to control and something no team or fan ever wants to experience. Even if fans and teams are prepared for rain, the forecast isn’t always accurate. So, when the storms come, everyone takes cover and runs to shelter. Weather is inevitable.

But just like the weather, plans changing in our lives are also inevitable. We prepare for one thing, then the storms of life hit us. We know things don’t always go to plan and expect some inevitable switch-up, but when big storms of change hit us that we weren’t prepared for, it can be scary and cause anxiety.

Just as we run for shelter during huge storms, when the storms of life hit us, we can run to God. Deuteronomy promises He has gone before us and will never leave nor abandon us. We may feel scared, nervous and anxious when plans change, but God wants us to run to Him for shelter and receive peace, safety and stillness.

Our plans will always fail; it’s inevitable. But the shelter found in God’s love for us never will.

  • Think of a time you planned something that didn’t go that way.
  • How did you feel at that time? Anxious? Angry? Upset?
  • Where did you turn for shelter and escape from your feelings?
  • When we run to God, how does this help us?

“God, life is overwhelming and hectic sometimes. I feel like I get caught in storms. Help me find shelter in only You when storms come. Thank You for being there for me every time.”