Eyes on the Target
“…And climbing out of the boat, Peter started walking on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the strength of the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out, “Lord, save me!!’” -- Matthew 14:29-30
One of the oldest acrostics in basketball is B.E.E.F. The “B” is for “balance.” The first “E” is for “eyes on target.” The second “E” is for “elbow straight.” And the “F” is for “follow through.” Each one is important, though plenty of shots go into the basket even when the shooter is off balance, has bent elbows or doesn’t follow through. But seldom will a ball find the hoop if the shooter’s eyes aren’t fixed on the target.
As important as goals are within sports, at the heart of every great Christian competitor should be the discipline of focusing on a greater purpose. In Matthew 14, the disciple Peter wanted to walk on water with Jesus and did so until he shifted his eyes from Christ to the fierce wind. He became fearful and began to sink.
Likewise, we will start sinking in our lives if we focus on the tumult that surrounds us. We must allow the Holy Spirit to be our guide, reminding us that with Christ, all is well with our souls.
No matter the final score, injury or pressure, if we fix our eyes on Christ, our target, and trust His faithful provision, we will be able to accomplish His purposes, both in our game and our life.
- What is your focus on as you train and compete?
- How can you keep yourself from shifting your eyes off God?
“Lord, help me to always fix my eyes on You, so that my faith will never waver. Amen.”