
Friend of Jesus


“You are My friends if you do what I command you. “No longer do I call you slaves, for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you.” -- John 15:14-15


As athletes and coaches, it’s tempting to post to social media our latest victory or win, and without realizing it, take the credit for ourselves. Facebook provides great opportunities to update our status, add to our story and even choose our friends. It has become a platform for self-promotion for many and a tool for sharing the love of Christ for others.

If you had the opportunity, would you send a friend request to Jesus? Would your posts be any different if you knew Jesus was your friend and reading them? Would He “like” or comment on your posts?

One might wonder how Jesus or the disciples would have used social media in their day. We have a bit of a glimpse of that in the exchange with Peter and John before the Sanhedrin in Acts 4 as they defended their position for healing a crippled beggar. When challenged by whose power the man was healed, they simply and boldly pointed to Jesus. They gave Him the credit and used it as an opportunity to share the message of salvation through Jesus Christ with all who were listening.

Peter and John were friends of Jesus and added to “His” story. They updated their status when they surrendered their lives to Christ and “followed” Him. The people took note and could tell that they had been with Jesus and walked closely with Him. Can the people around you tell that you have been with Jesus?

It’s quite remarkable that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us! Jesus, in John 15, tells us that we are no longer slaves, but His friends and He has taught us everything He heard from the Father. He chose us to be His friend.

  1. Spend some time reflecting on being a friend of Jesus.
  2. Can others around you tell that you have been with Jesus, in His Word and steadfast in prayer?
  3. Are you following Christ in obedience and adding to His story?

Luke 7:34; Col 3:12-17; James 4:4


“Father, thank You for choosing us to be a friend and follower of Jesus. By the power of the Holy Spirit dwelling in us, help us to stay close to You and to share Your light and love with others. May others know that we are Your disciples by our love for You and one another.”

Bible Reference: 
John 15:14-15
Luke 7:34
Colossians 3:12-17
James 4:4