
God Expands


“I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works.” -- John 14:12a


I remember growing up as a child my dad was my hero. I wanted to be just like him and do the things he did. I used to follow him around imitating his every move. I observed how he loved my mother and how he loved being a dad to my sisters and me. I believed he wanted the best for me.

I recall a time where I wanted to play the drums for our church because I watched him play the drums. I would pull out all the pots and pans from the kitchen, lay them out in the floor and play on them for hours imagining I was like my dad. The time eventually came that my grandfather observed the interest I had in drums and gave me an opportunity to play. Eventually, I took over for my dad and became our church drummer after years of watching and learning from my father.

At times, in our schools, sports and hobbies, most of us have admired an older varsity athlete or even our coaches. In some form or another, we’ve all admired someone and tried to mimic their hobbies, skills or passions, even adopting them as our own.

The Scripture in John lets us know that we can be confident in the fact that if we believe in our Heavenly Father and the great things He does, when the time comes, we will be able to do not just some things, but greater things! God is a God that loves to see His children walking in their purpose, giftings, and callings, but we must first PURSUE the One who can show us how to maximize those gifts.

So when the time comes, we can do even more than we may have expected because of God’s power at work within us.

As coaches and athletes, we have the perfect hero to observe. As you compete today, look to God for direction, learn from His Word, the Bible, and follow Him. You are never alone with God!

  • Do you believe God has called you to do great things?
  • Do you listen to your coach when they’re saying they believe you can do more?
  • What are some things that can hinder you from accomplishing great things?

Philippians 4:13; Ephesians 2:10


“Father, thank You that you’ve called me to do great things. I believe that I’m Your masterpiece and I was created to do great things. Help me to observe and listen to my coaches and those that have done the things I desire so that I can learn and do greater in Your time. Thank You for choosing me and calling me and let me never take these gifts for granted. In Jesus’s name, amen.”

Bible Reference: 
John 14:12
Philippians 4:13
Ephesians 2:10