
Opening the Door


“See! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.” – Revelation 3:20


When I finished playing sports and graduated, I put on weight. As a former athlete, I knew I needed to buckle down and be disciplined in eating and exercising, so I got a membership at the local fitness center. It would have worked well… if I had ever decided to go. As it turned out, I did not have the discipline to bring myself to the gym to keep myself healthy. I chose an easier, more leisurely life. It took me a long time to finally buckle down and find the discipline I needed.

In the early part of the book of Revelation, Jesus dictated letters to seven churches. The church in Laodicea, in Jesus’ words, was lukewarm. They claimed to follow Jesus, but the “joys” of the world had dragged their hearts away from Him. In Revelation 3:20, He told them that He was knocking on the door to their hearts and wanted to come in and fellowship with them.

Remember that if we claim to follow Jesus and say that His blood has covered our sins, we need to make choices that please Him and glorify Him. If we don’t, it would be like signing up for a fitness program and never doing it. No good would come from it.

If He has saved you, He is knocking on your heart. Open the door and experience the joy of His fellowship.

  • Have you ever signed up for something but didn’t follow through? What happened?
  • If He is knocking on the door to your heart, what is stopping you from opening?

“Father, I truly thank You for the shed blood of Jesus. Thank You for setting me free from sin. But Father, I need help to follow You. Help me to open the door to You. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.”