


“For God has not given us a spirit of fear or timidity, but one of power, love, and self-discipline.” -- 2 Timothy 1:7


What if heading into a competition or game you knew that you would win? All you have to do is show up, compete and give your best. Think about the confidence you would have heading into that game or the freedom you’d experience knowing you could go compete and maybe make a few mistakes but still win.  The fear or anxiety of losing would be absent, the timidity or hesitancy of not wanting to make a mistake would be gone. What a feeling that would be as a competitor!

As believers in Jesus Christ, we have victory because of what Jesus did on that cross. We are part of the winning team and we should be walking in that confidence and boldness every day. In 2 Timothy 1:7, Paul encourages us by making sure we know what spirit we have from God. We are a people that do not have a spirit that is fearful or timid. The truth we live in is that God has given us a spirit of power, a spirit of love and a spirit of self-discipline.

Knowing this, we walk confidently into each day and week. We know Jesus defeated death and because of that, we have victory. We know God has given us his spirit, one that is not weak but one that is powerful and loving and disciplined. When fear and doubt enters your mind, be reminded of God’s promises in His Word.

Let’s commit to one another as teammates and family in Christ to walk into every practice and game with the confidence that can only come with certain victory. Spirit of fear, that’s not a part of our squad, we walk by faith and power in the spirit of God.

  • What would it feel like to walk into a game with certain victory?
  • Do you walk in that same confidence every day because of Jesus?
  • Is it easy for you to choose faith over fear?

John 16:5-15; 2 Timothy 1:6-8; Galatians 5:21-22


“God thank You for the spirit You have given us and that we don’t have to walk in fear. Would Your spirit of power, love and self-discipline be fanned into flames and produce the fruits of the spirit that come with it? Let us choose faith over fear today.”

Bible Reference: 
2 Timothy 1:7
John 16:5-15
2 Timothy 1:6-8
Galatians 5:21-22