Bible Study

Flee, Pursue, Fight, Grasp...

Wisdom for a Young Head Coach
Week 14

I Timothy 6:11-16

Discussion Questions:

  • Paul exhorts Timothy to flee from what?  (v.11)  Those things listed in verses 3-10.
  • What does he call him to pursue?  (v.11)  Righteousness, godliness, faith, love, perseverance and gentleness.  How does one display these qualities in coaching?  Take them one by one and apply to coaching… Righteousness in coaching looks like…  Godliness in coaching looks like… Faith in coaching looks like… Love… Perseverance… Gentleness…
  • What about your faith and its impact upon your coaching are worth fighting for?  (v.12)    Its value to your life.  Biblical values of right and wrong.  What is not worth a fight?  Mere matters of opinion…  Sectarian doctrines…  Cultural forms of Christian expression…
  • How is your “good confession” of faith similar to Christ Jesus’ “good confession” of faith before Pontius Pilate?  (vv.12-13)  I confessed that Jesus is God, the Savior and Lord of my life.
  • How long shall we hold to our values for coaching and our faith in Christ?  (vv.13-16)  Until the day of His appearing. 

Weekly Summary:

  • Flee from foolish things and pursue the list from verse 11.
  • Pick your fights well and wisely.  Don’t fight over foolish matters.
  • Make the good confession and keep a long-term view of your faith.


  • Read the bible verse aloud at the beginning.
  • The questions for discussion will appear in normal text like this.
  • Suggested answers, discussion hints and follow up questions will appear in italics like this.
Bible Reference: 
1 Timothy 6