
Be the Example


“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time for us to do.”– Ephesians 2:10


It was an ordinary day in the off-season when a text message from one of my players showed up on my phone. When I saw her name on the screen, I thought, “Oh no, what has happened now?” A million thoughts raced through my head, ending in “What am I going to have to deal with?” To my delight, the text said that she wanted to join virtual Bible Study with me weekly, work on her relationship with God, and she would be thrilled if I helped her in her Christian walk.

Throughout a sports season, there are many highs and lows. Both players and coaches can get frustrated. Players may not be watching, listening, or learning from their coaches or each other. Coaches may question if they are having any impact on or off the field of play. But God has placed each of us exactly where He wants us.

Players and coaches learn something from each other and impact each other daily, whether they acknowledge it right away or not. When we walk in God’s will, we set examples that our teammates can see. We are doing a good work that God has prepared for us well in advance. We may not immediately see the results we want, but trust and they will come someday. Be the EXAMPLE.

  1. What Godly values are you trying to portray to your teammates through your daily walk?
  2. Do you feel like you are impacting others to pursue a relationship with God? 
  3. What are some things you can do to be a better example?

Psalm 57:2; Romans 8:28; 1 Corinthians 10:31


“Lord, let me walk in Your will that I might fulfill my purpose. Let my walk lead someone to know You better. Amen.”