
Behind the Scenes


"…to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and to show true humility toward all men."
-Titus 3:2


Most fans who go to a football game come, watch the game, eat tons of food, cheer for their team and leave either happy or dejected. But what goes on behind the scenes? Did you know that some people involved in the game spend almost half the day to ensure everything goes as planned? It's true! Student-managers and trainers spend countless hours in preparation and post-game clean up with no fanfare, no autographs to sign, and no one waiting to outside the locker room for a post-game interview. Why do they do what they do? It's their job!

These student-workers are real servants and examples of humility. They do the work, put everything they have into making sure their team has the best of everything for the game, and rarely do they get any appreciation, let alone a simple thank-you. They encourage the players when they are down, quench their thirst with a cool drink and calm their fears when a knee or ankle twists. They serve each player like they are most important person on the team. They understand their role in the success of the team. True humility in action.

Jesus exemplified this type of humility. When people were down, He would encourage. When they were spiritually thirsty, He gave them a drink of the Word. When they were fearful of their future, He showed them a new way. Jesus knew what true humility was all about. His life was lived to serve, not to be served.

What can we learn from the students who give their all so the players can show their all? How about knowing when it is time to serve and doing it with true humility unto the Lord. Though no one notices what they do (except for family, of course), God sees, and I bet He is smiling with joy to see them showing humility!

Next time you go to a game, make sure you look behind the scenes to see the unsung heroes!


1. What is true humility to you?
2. When is the last time you served someone else rather than being served?
3. What can you do today to start demonstrating true humility in your life?


Proverbs 11:2
Proverbs 22:4
Galatians 5:13

Bible Reference: 
Titus 3