
Guide Me Through the Darkness


“Nevertheless, I am telling you the truth. It is for your benefit that I go away, because if I don’t go away the Counselor will not come to you. If I go, I will send him to you. When he comes, he will convict the world about sin, righteousness, and judgment.” – John 16:7-8


As kids, when the sun went down, we would all gather to play Manhunt in the dark. This was the best time to play because it made the game significantly harder for the seeker and easier for the hider.

I always dreaded being the seeker. Seeking in the dark was a very confusing experience; you didn’t know which way to go or where to search, and you couldn’t even see your next step. You had no guidance, and I often felt scared of not knowing the right or wrong way. I wanted a helper to guide me through the darkness.

In the passage above, Jesus speaks to the disciples, telling them about His death and why He must leave them. Jesus tells them that a Counselor (the Holy Spirit) will join them once He has departed. The Holy Spirit's job? To guide us through the darkness of life. The Holy Spirit convicts us and shows us the right and wrong ways to go. The Holy Spirit provides gifts and resources that draw us and others closer to Christ.

Life is often like a game of Manhunt in the dark. You are scared and confused about where to go and what’s right or wrong. The Holy Spirit is our guide, living in us and guiding us like a compass.

With the Holy Spirit, the darkness of life will not overcome us. We will not be conquered if we seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit in our daily lives.

  • How do you receive the Holy Spirit?
  • Do you know the gifts that the Holy Spirit has given you?

“God Almighty, what a comfort to know that You have blessed us with Your Spirit. We do not have to walk this life alone and confused; help us trust and rely on the guidance of the Holy Spirit each day. Shine a light on the gifts You have given us so we can better serve Your Kingdom. Amen.”