
Praise God Publicly


“Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name; proclaim his deeds among the peoples. Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell about all his wondrous works! Boast in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice.”  – Psalm 105:1-3


Professional athletes are some of the most glorified humans of our day. They make millions, have sponsorships from the most exclusive brands, and live in larger-than-life houses. That’s why it’s so refreshing to see a player point upward after a personal victory, giving the credit for their success to God. It’s a public reminder that they understand that all this glory they are given is nothing compared to the glory that God deserves.

Psalms is a book in the Bible filled with songs of praise and honor toward God. The primary writer of Psalms, David, was a living example of someone not afraid to praise God publicly. In 2 Samuel 6, we see a story of David dancing and praising God publicly with His people. David was so expressive before God that His wife got mad and was embarrassed for how he was acting. David responded that he was worshiping God as He believed he deserved to be worshiped, not caring what other people thought.

Often, we care so much about what others might think about us that it stops us from worshiping God the way we feel led. Psalm 105 reminds us that we are called to worship our God among the people, to boast in God’s name, and to tell all about His beautiful works. The desire to praise God should outweigh our fear of judgment from others. Our worship and praise are not meant for people; it’s meant for God, so the only opinion we should care about is God’s.

Praising God in our sport is one way we can worship God publicly. Whether it’s pointing upward, having a Bible verse on your cleats, or even leading an FCA huddle for your team, decide today to praise God publicly for all He has done in your life.

  • Why do you hold back in worship to God? What are your fears?
  • Read 2 Samuel 6. Are you more like David or Michal?
  • How can you worship God on your team?

“Lord, You deserve our endless praise. Let our lives daily reflect a heart and spirit ready to bow down and worship You. Often, we stop our desire to praise You because of the judgment of others; for this, we are sorry. Give us confidence to not care what the world thinks of us but help us care about how You hear our worship. Amen.”