
What Does it Mean to Be on God's Team, Pt. 2


“Then we will no longer be little children, tossed by the waves and blown around by every wind of teaching, by human cunning with cleverness in the techniques of deceit. But speaking the truth in love, let us grow in every way into him who is the head—Christ.” – Ephesians 4:14-15


Yesterday, we discussed how we each have jobs to grow the Body of Christ. We reflected on how we are given gifts from the Spirit to help us achieve great things for God!

Not only are we asked to grow the Kingdom of God, but we are asked to grow ourselves. The great thing is that when we focus on growing the Kingdom, the cause and effect is that we will grow ourselves.

When you’re dedicated to the growth of your sports team, you may not even see it at first, but you are also growing yourself. People around us usually notice our growth more than we do. Ephesians explains that when we seek the growth of the Kingdom, we grow from children who don’t have a firm foundation to solid members of the Kingdom who seek Christ above all.

We should desire growth in our faith as much as in any other world goal or dream. If we don’t grow in our faith, we remain at the whim of the world, tossing back and forth, unable to stand firm and pursue Christ. No matter how old you are, you could still be considered little in faith if you let the world lead your heart, mind and soul. Thus, a very young person could be grounded in their faith and pursuing Christ and be considered a mature member believer.

When you look at your life, would you consider yourself a child or mature in your role in the Kingdom?

  • What have you personally grown in this past year?
  • Is there any part of your life that isn’t on a firm foundation and can be tossed around by the world?
  • How would you encourage another believer to grow in their faith?

“God, You desire for us to grow daily in our faith. Help show us areas where we are not growing and help us remove any blocks to our growth. As we work for Your Kingdom, help us discover the gifts and talents You have blessed us with. Give us Your confidence to pursue our brothers and sisters for You. Amen.”