Our Task
“This is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and the one you have sent – Jesus Christ. I have glorified you on the earth by completing the work you gave me to do.” - John 17:3-4
The beauty of a team sport is that each player has a specific job. It’s preposterous for us to imagine each player on a soccer team acting as a goalie because there is only one goalie. If everyone wanted to be a goalie, then the game would not work. The same example can be applied to other team sports. Each player has a role to play to give the team the best chance of success.
Having a job to do on a team gives you a sense of purpose and direction. You know precisely what is expected of you each time you step onto the field or court. Having a specific purpose gives you guidance on how to practice and advance your skills to do your job better.
God has given each one of us a specific job to do. He even gave His son, Jesus Christ, the same job. That job is to glorify God here on earth. In John chapter 17, Jesus speaks with the Father, telling Him that the work God has given to Jesus here on earth has been accomplished. He knew His job and role and woke up each day ready to perform the task.
Most of us wake up and use our day to perform the functions and roles we have assigned ourselves here on earth. Chasing the dreams we have set before us or pursuing a life that the world deems worthy. We ignore our commandments from God to advance our idea of success. We are called to glorify God here on earth in all we do.
That is our job. Let’s do it.
- What does a day look like glorifying God on earth?
- Do you believe your day-to-day actions glorify God?
- How can your talents be used to glorify God?
“Lord God, You have provided us with a specific task to complete here on earth; let us not get distracted with ideas and goals that do not come from You. Enlighten us on how the talents You have given us can be used to glorify You and Your kingdom. Amen.”